Sunday, August 14, 2011

Tired Truck

Today all of my stuff got put in a pile, and then it got put in Truck's belly. I hopped into Truck with my people and Truck drove for a long time.

Fortunately a few good things happened along the way...

First there was this:

Then Truck took a break at this place:

I like to stick my nose in the creature-holes. I would really like to sniff one of these little creatures up close, but my people won't let me.

Then Truck stopped for a long time. When I got out we were near the ocean!

Truck wasn't done yet though. We got onto big-grumbly-ferry-boat, and then Truck drove some more. Finally Truck was very tired and decided it was time to go home.

I am very happy to be home.

Here is me with Momma B today. We are doing the thing called "posing", although I would rather be looking at a creature hole...

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