Rolling in Stink!
Rolling in Stink!
Rolling in Stink!
Hi friends, Ojo here! After my Walks I like to nap. The best naps are right in the middle of the floor where the people have to step over me.
Do you nap after Walks too?
Hi friends, Ojo here! It is even better to lounge in the sunshine!
Hi friends, Ojo here!
Okay, I admit it... I am getting a Little Bit Older. Do not worry, I still Zoom around all the time on Walks! But I also like to stop and lounge, especially in places like this!
Do you like lounging on Walks? Or do you prefer to Zoom?
Hi friends, Ojo here!
Today I climbed up high! Like a mountain goat! I can smell the whole world from up here!
Do you like to climb?
Hi friends, Ojo here! I found another Happy Stick! I did Happy Rolling with my Happy Stick!
Stick chewing is serious business, you know? It doesn't even matter that it's raining!
Hi friends, Ojo here! Is there anything better than lying in the smelly grass chewing on Stick?
Okay, maybe Dinner is better. And maybe snacks. And chasing things. But chewing on a Stick in stinky grass is pretty pawesome too!
Hi friends, Ojo here!
I am in the flowers again. Contemplating life.
Hi friends, Ojo here! These flowers are called camas lilies!
My person wasn't happy that I was rolling in them. But they were wet with morning water and felt so nice on my back!
Afterwards my eyes itched. What is pollen, friends? And why does it "serve me right"??
I would like to hang out in the camas flowers all day. What a happy place!
Hi friends, Ojo here! One of the very best places to have a happy snooze is right in the middle of the kitchen floor. Don't you agree?
Hi friends, Ojo here! Today for me is chew-a-stick-Sunday!
What happy things are happening for your Sunday?