Monday, March 18, 2024

Update on ME

Hi hi hi, Ojo here! 

Here is my update on ME! My bloodwork was good and my person put me on the wait list for surgery. I still need to have something called a chest x-ray to make sure my body isn't growing any lumps in my chest or tummy. But if that is good, I can have the surgery.

(I don't know what surgery is, but Vet says I should be able to run again if I have it, so I think I want to have it!)

Thank you friends who wrote to share stories about CCL injuries.

My person has decided to do the surgery for ME, if we can. This is because I do not want to slow down! 

I am starting to take some steps on my bad leg, but I would rather RUN by hopping on my good leg! 

I don't know why my person doesn't want me to do this. I would rather HOP FAST! Why must I walk slow? 

(The people are worried I will make my good leg go bad too if I hop too much on it. But I really, really want to GO FAST!)

In other news, Nature is making Sun and Very Warm, so I lay on the deck and watched the world! This was very nice.

Also, my person took me for a Walk at Picnic Table! I only get five to ten minutes Walk at a time. I spent most of my Walk today sniffing Picnic Table! 

(My person was happy because this made me go slow and use both my legs. I am supposed to do this so that I don't lose muscle.) 

(I was happy because there were FOOD smells!)

Meanwhile, Pepper is being a Very Good Friend. I haven't seen him since the Bad Thing, because he is very bouncy and he gets me running and sometimes he bangs into my body. 

But he has been very helpful because I can't take my person out on Walks right now, so he has been doing it for me. Not every day, because he has his own family to take care of, but he has been making sure that my person is still getting into the forest and climbing mountains, and this makes him a Very Good Friend.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ojo, we hope your surgery goes well. As long as you follow doctor's orders and stay quiet for as long as he tells your Mom, you will be just fine. In the meantime, take it easy on that good leg. You don't want to tear the knee too like Misty and Lightning did. All paws crossed here for you to heal well and quickly.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

WFT Nobby said...

Hi Ojo, thanks for the update. Picnic table walks are always good, but we hope your surgery will go well and have you running again.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am so sorry sweet boy, prayers for all of you and so happy Pepper is taking care of your mama.
the link I put you can find in the label ACL, go all the way to the bottom of beaus blog, click on ACL, and the letter from the vet is at the bottom. or you can email me at and I will send the link.

Fay said...

Hi, Ojo! This is all Exciting News! We hope everything goes well. In the meantime, we agree with Nobby, Picnic Table walks are very rewarding.

Millie and Walter said...

We're glad to hear you are doing well, Ojo. Our paws are crossed that you can have the surgery soon and be back running in the future.

Duke said...

We hope you can have your surgery so you can run and jump and climb and enjoy life as you aways have, Ojo. Make sure you tell us when so we can cross paws and send you lots of AireZen♥

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Oh, Ojo, we sure hope you can have the surgical repair of your CCL...then after some time you will be able to have fun on walks again. Sending POTP for healing, and patience, too.

Huskies622 said...

We are glad that your blood work came back good---it's because even though you are a little old, your human takes such good care of you that you are spry for your years, right? Good luck in everything to come!

Rosie and Redford

Gemma's person said...

I just caught up on reading. Good vibes from here for great success and no worries for all. Smooches Ojo!

Kten said...

Dearest cousin Ojo, Lady has not let us blog lately so we are very behind and we are very sad to read you are having CCL issues. It sounds like a very bad thing. Being older is not for the faint of heart. We are sending you all the healing vibes and POTP we can. your cousin Lee and handsome Phod who are sorry we weren't sending these earlier