Monday, April 1, 2024

Days with my grandpawrents

Hi hi hi! Ojo here! I spent some days with my grandpawrents!

I love going to visit my grandpawrents! They don't do the thing called "work" that my person does all day, so I get lots of cuddles and attention!

Also, they took me on Good Walks!

Today I went to the place called Tower Point! This is one of my favourite places! It has grassy fields and rocks and is by the ocean so I can smell all sorts of good things!

Today, because of Bad Leg, I had to stay on my leash. Normally I get to run! Not today. But even though I didn't get to run and run and run, I was still very happy to be at one of my favourite places!

Do I look a bit tired in my picture? I was. Bad Leg makes me tired more quickly. But I was still very happy!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are happy you got to walk today but take it slow and easy. You don't want to hurt that leg any more.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

WFT Nobby said...

We bet your Grandpawrents loved being with you Ojo, as much as you loved being with them.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am so happy for you that you can visit your grandparents and get all that loving and good smelling. You are like I am, humans get bad legs too. some days mine hurts and some days not. hugs and prayers coming to you today. It is sad when you and Lightning tell us about your aches and pains, we love both of you. you look tired butt happy in todays photo. I am thinking in dog years you and I the human are about the same age

Duke said...

It's always fun to visit your grandparents, Ojo. They are such special peeps and we are so happy that you got a visit one of your favorite places and you do look happy!

Millie and Walter said...

You might have been tired, but we think you look happy to be outside on your walk. How nice that your grandpawrents take care of you when your person is at work.

Helen said...

It's nice just to go for a walk. Teddy and Liam don't get off leash very much but they have room to run in the backyard.

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

I hope you leg feels better

Huskies622 said...

Hi Ojo! We understand about being with folks who do not work! Our Mom just retired and she has a bit more time for us, which we LOVE! How wonderful that you got a great walk, even if it was on a leash!

Rosie and Redford