Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Update on ME

Hi hi hi! Ojo here with an update on ME and Bad Leg!

Bad Leg doesn't bend very well. Bad Leg shakes a lot. Bad Leg smells funny. Bad Leg feels funny on my tongue because someone stole my fur. 

But Surgery did one Very Important Thing: Bad Leg is stable. 

It feels very different. I am learning to trust Bad Leg again. Maybe, someday, it will be Good Leg.

This is ME napping a few minutes ago before writing this post. I am napping a lot.

If you would like to see how I'm walking six days after Surgery, my person is sharing this video from today. 

(No, I don't like to Walk on the pavement. It is much better to Walk where the things smell better. My person and I are having disagreements about this, but she will allow me to go off the road as long as it's flat.)

Other not-good things: The people won't let me lick Bad Leg. My Walks are very short. I must stay on leash. Inside, there are mats on the floors and fences that move around and keep me stuck in small areas. Outside, I am not allowed to go up onto the rocks or down or into the ditches.

But one Very Good Thing: The people are around a LOT! My person is sleeping with me in the living room! My grandpawrents come to visit every day! (When they come, my person goes away. Sometimes Pepper takes her on a Walk, or sometimes she goes on her own, or sometimes she does the thing called Shopping for Groceries.) 

I am never alone these days for more than a minute or two! I always have company!

This is ME and my Grandpaw lying in the grass. I am happy to have the people around so much.

I hope I can go on longer Walks soon. But I would like the people to keep being around.

How are you doing, friends?


WFT Nobby said...

Hi Ojo, thanks for the report. It must be boring being so restricted on the walks front, but we are thrilled to learn that Bad Leg is more stable, and optimistic that you will be allowed more freedom before long. Meanwhile, enjoy all that people attention.
Nobby ( and Gail).

Duke said...

You are doing so well for just six days out, Ojo, and I'm so happy that you have lots of visiting company. Keep napping lots and one day you will be running and climbing again.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I laughed and teared up over every word. so happy you have better care than you would have in a human nursing home. Beau would love to have someone with him every moment but not the elbow thing.. you look amazing on day 6 walk and that made me happy too.. you are blessed to have grandparent close. my favorite photo today is you and grandpa on the grass in the sunshine.

Millie and Walter said...

You're doing so well, Ojo! Our parents are retired so we know how great it is that they are with us almost all the time (that shopping thing takes them away sometimes here too). Keep up the good work on your rehab and you will be romping off leash in no time.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We have had way more experience with this recovery that we wish, Ojo, but we are thrilled that you are doing so well. You are walking very strongly. Keep up the great work. The key is in all the rest and careful monitoring you are getting. Family is wonderful.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Huskies622 said...

Hello Ojo! We are very impressed at how well you are walking! And having all those folks looking after you is marvelous---you are one VERY special pup!

Rosie and Redford

Kten said...

Dearest cousin Ojo, We are happy to hear that you are up and moving, even if there are so many rules about it. We hate when people put rules in. Lady says the rules are because your people love you so much and they want you to get better so fast. We hope that this is true and you do. While it is not the same, Hailey had to be on leash in the bedroom last night, on a bed beside where Lady was sleeping because apparently trying to destroy the room because of thunder is not allowed. your cousin Lee and handsome Phod who send you all the POTP

Collie222 said...

Hi there!
I’m glad you got your surgery, and so happy you are getting soooo much attention while you Recover! An we ask, what was the surgery for? I have three seniors now, all 12 and over, and we are facing some serious problems, getting old is so difficult!

Gemma's person said...

The walking looks GREAT!