Sunday, April 24, 2016

I did it!!!

Friends, I did it! I caught the Rattie! Me, Cobi!

Yes, this is very serious business. We have crazy-birds called Chickens living in our yard. With the Chickens live Ratties. The Ratties like to live with the Chickens because there is much free food. And right now the Ratties are busy making babies, so their numbers are growing!

We have been on Rat Patrol all week.

Our total count this week is Five. Five Ratties! We're awesome.

Okay, so it is mostly Ojo who catches the Ratties, but I am the helper! I stand at one end, and Ojo at the other, and if the Rattie comes out on my end I chase it into Ojo's mouth. So as you can see I am still a very important part of this!

This morning, however, I was amazing! I was stupendous! I was clever and swift and fast!

This morning the Rattie came out on my side, and instead of chasing it into Ojo's mouth, I chomped down with my own mouth instead.

I caught the Rattie! Me! Cobi! (This is my first Rattie ever!)

I had it by the tail and the back leg. It was fighting very hard, and I did not know what to do, but I didn't let go. I hung on!

Then Ojo came over and grabbed it from me and finished the job. (Okay, so I admit that she is useful... sometimes.)

We are a team!

And this wasn't any Rattie, but a big fat Rattie at that! After that Ojo caught another one all on her own, but it was a little one. Mine was bigger. So there.

Aren't I amazing??

UPDATE: Ojo caught another Rattie! We are now up to THREE Ratties today, and six in total this week!


Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Dear Cobi,
We are very impressed with your amazing ratite skills, both as the important decoy and as a skilled hunter. We are sure there are many more ratties in your future.
Cousin Lee (who would love to hunt ratties) and beautiful Phod who would want to keep them all as pets.

zoepheedogs said...

Wow, good job! Zoe and Phoenix are so jealous of your hunting skills! ;)

rottrover said...

Cobb, You are totally amazing!! And Ojo!! Six ratties in a week. What an awesome pawsome team!! I found rabbit bones on my walkie today and would NOT drop it. My mom gotted mad at me. Can you believe it??


Milo and Jet said...

Pawesome Job Cobi :) Milo & Jet

Duke said...

Great job, Cobi! The chickens are proud of you and so am I! You and Ojo make a great team!

Love ya lots♥

Two French Bulldogs said...

Good job. Just don't catch their cooties
Lily & Edward

WFT Nobby said...

Cobi, Ojo, I am green with envy.
Oh if only I had those opportunities.
Sadly, I seem to inhabit a rat free environment (which for some reason Gail does not think is sad…)
Happy hunting!
Toodle pip!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness Cobi. You are amazing!!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I think your both amazing!