Monday, April 11, 2016

He was lost. Or on a grand adventure. Or both.

Our people found this Dog-friend wandering the neighbourhood. He was lost!

Or perhaps he was going on a big adventure! He was exploring all the yards, running back and forth across the road, peeing on plants, sniffing in gardens...

While that is a very grand adventure indeed, our people were worried. He did not have any tags on, and while our street is quiet it is only half a block to a busy road by the mall. The people put a collar and leash on him, and went up and down the street meeting all the neighbours trying to find his home. But no one knew who he was.

So he came to hang out in our Yard with us for while while our person made many phone calls. I was a perfect gentle-lady-dog to our guest, and in fact he was quite a gentleman too! But Ojo did not want to share our Yard or our people and she kept snapping at him. Our person decided that he couldn't stay with us, so someone from the City came to pick him up. They will check him for microchips, and hopefully he has one of those so he can find his people quickly!

Keep your paws crossed for our little friend!

(Do you see Ojo's face there, peeking over our littlest person's shoulder? Our friend was trying to help our littlest person with her math homework, but Ojo did not like this! It is HER job to help with the homework!)

(Finally out person brought out food and gave Ojo yummy treats for watching this little guy calmly, but he still couldn't stay with us... Ojo was too much of a grump! And that's usually MY job!)

UPDATE: This little guy's owner came by our house! She was also knocking on doors looking for him and the neighbours sent her to us! Our people gave her the number so she can get him back right away and he won't even have to spend a night away from her. And she was very relieved and happy that he was okay and not hurt or totally lost! Hurray!!


Unknown said...

Happy the pup's owner came and found him! Love your blog, keep up the post.

Duke said...

Yay! We are so happy that the little guy's owner came to get him! Bless you for helping him out and it's okay that you were grumpy, Ojo. It's your yard and your peeps!

The Whiskeratti said...

What a happy ending. It was very kind of your people to look after the lil guy.

Unknown said...

Yay for a happy story about the pup. And it was so good you all were around to help and give some love while the people found their pup!!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

YIPPPPPEEEEEEEE CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU ALL.... YOU saved the little "VISITOR" from a Fate Worse than Road Kill... or from never ever seeing the peeps that love him. BRAVO WELL DONE...

C.L.W.STEP said...

We're so glad this story had a happy ending!

Kinley Westie said...

Glad his owner wuz found!

WFT Nobby said...

Oh we were so worried too, then happy to see the update!

zoepheedogs said...

That was very nice of your people to take care of him! I'm so glad his owners were found!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We are so glad this story had a happy ending! Ojo, I would have likely snapped too. Cousin Hailey

Unknown said...

Oh, I love a story with a happy ending!!!! I am so glad that little guy found his way back to his parents! Well done.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

This story has such a happy ending!! Were soo glad the little dogs family was found.