Hi hi hi! Ojo here!
Today, after many-many-many-many-many-many days of Grey and Rain, there was SUN!
Hurray for SUN!
What was your day like, friends?
You look very happy in your sun, Ojo. We didn't get sun but we did get snowflakes that only amounted to a dusting. Mom says no walkies for us this morning as the windchills are making it feel like zero - brrrrrrrrrrr
you look so happy it made me happy, we just had morning giggles watching Beau do the roll about on the carpet in front of the blasting news channel
You sure look happy rolling in that nice grass on a sunny day. Around here it's bone chilling cold with a few inches of snow on the ground.
We too love the sun, but we also love the snow. And today we got both - sun and snow AND cold. Siberian heaven.Woos - Misty and Timber
Hi Ojo! We love to see you out and about, enjoying all the sun! You look so happy and it makes us smile!Rosie and Redford
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You look very happy in your sun, Ojo. We didn't get sun but we did get snowflakes that only amounted to a dusting. Mom says no walkies for us this morning as the windchills are making it feel like zero - brrrrrrrrrrr
you look so happy it made me happy, we just had morning giggles watching Beau do the roll about on the carpet in front of the blasting news channel
You sure look happy rolling in that nice grass on a sunny day. Around here it's bone chilling cold with a few inches of snow on the ground.
We too love the sun, but we also love the snow. And today we got both - sun and snow AND cold. Siberian heaven.
Woos - Misty and Timber
Hi Ojo! We love to see you out and about, enjoying all the sun! You look so happy and it makes us smile!
Rosie and Redford
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