Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Update on ME

Hi hi hi! Ojo here! 

It's been a while since I shared about Left Leg and Right Leg, so here is an update on ME! 

Left Leg, which used to be Bad Leg, and which had the thing called surgery, is now Mostly Good Leg! 

Sometimes Left Leg feels sore, and my person takes me on shorter Walks for a few days. But mostly Left Leg is Good Leg. I even use it as Main Leg when I hop or have a small zoom!

Right Leg, which didn't have the thing called surgery, is also Good Leg at the moment!

Sometimes Right Leg isn't so good. When this happens, I only get very short Walks, and have to stay mostly on leash. My person says that we don't want to do the thing called surgery again, and I agree, so I allow these shorter Walks.

But right now, I am happy to report that both Legs are Good Leg! (My person says to cross my paws and knock on wood.) (What does that mean?)

I don't run very much anymore, but I can climb little rocks, and I can walk through the bushes when there is an interesting smell, and sometimes I can even have a small zoom! When I am feeling good, I still hustle in front of my person and she has to walk fast to keep up with me!

Because today both Legs were Good Leg, we climbed a hill and walked through the forest! Nature was making Sun, and it was very nice to be outside and sniff the damp ground and feel the Sun in my fur.

How was your day, friends?


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

You have a beautiful area to hike im and to enjoy with your person, Ojo! Happy New Year! We're glad your doing well,🥰

Duke said...

What a great report, Ojo, and we are so happy that you can do the things that you most love to do!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Beau has never seen a hill like yours, we have none but we do have a 3 foot hill in the corner that he likes to climg, ha ha. so happy you have good legs today and hope they stay good more than bad,. since all 3 of us here have good legs day and bad leg day, that's 2 humansm 1 canine, we fully understand your post. YOU LOOK WONDERFUL

Millie and Walter said...

We're glad to hear both legs are feeling good today, Ojo. Our paws are crossed too in hopes it helps both legs to stay good.

Collie222 said...

Aww, I’m so happy to see your sweet, sugared face! And so happy left leg and right are both good now!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You are doing pretty well there, Ojo, with your good and bad and good again legs. We hope you don't have to have another surgery. Misty has had the CCL repair on both of her legs and for the most part she does pretty well. But there are those days when one or the other or both decide to give her some discomfort. Happy walking when you can.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Helen said...

Glad your legs are doing good. Even slow walks are fun. Teddy had an interdigital cyst between two of his toes, it burst three times. It looks good now so we're hopeful it's all better.

Kten said...

Dear cousin Ojo, We don't have the same good leg, bad leg problem, but we don't run like we used to. we get shorter walks. When it is dark and cold, we often refuse to walk. We hope your legs stay mostly good. Cousin Lee and Handsome Phod

Huskies622 said...

Having 2 good legs at the same time is the best! But slow or fast, a walk is always good, if just to check out all the smells out there! Enjoy every step!

Rosie and Redford