Sunday, November 27, 2022

Who wants to go for a Walk?

I do! ME! Yes please! Paws up!

Wait. I am already on a Walk. Silly human.


Millie and Walter said...

You look happy to be on your walk, Ojo.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Are you sure you weren't just voting for the walk to go just a little longer? It looked like a fabulous day for one! ❤

Fay said...

Hi, Ojo! The look on your face, in response to Silly Human's Silly Question, is priceless!

C.L.W.STEP said...

Who doesn't like to go for a nice walk? Glad you had fun. Chester still likes walkies, even with his arthritic joints. We only go a short way, though, just to check out the local pee mail.

WFT Nobby said...

Of course you want to go for a walk.
Who doesn't want to go for a walk?
PS from Gail - love the photos

Duke said...

I"m in! Great photos of you, Ojo!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I'm still laughing out loud that last photo you've got the silly human look down perfectly

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Oops forgot to say that is a fantasticpaw high five

Kten said...

Dear cousin Ojo, It always makes us happy to see you back in our feed. Our snow is all gone. Lady says more is coming. She hopes it comes after the snowblower is repaired. The Lady and Man have been sick and we have been excellent nurses and still got walked. We raise our hands to getting walked.

Cousin Lee and Handsome Phod

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

You need to patent that 'look', Ojo!! Its pawrfect!

Having said that we, too LOVE walks!

Helen said...

My guys would love to go for a walk. They didn't get one today. It poured rain all day, now it's really windy. Maybe tomorrow.

Huskies622 said...

Paws up on this post Ojo...the look you gave to your crazy human is perfect! And kudos to her for capturing it! And seriously, when they say "do you want to go for a walk", well of COURSE we do! We are dogs!

Rosie and Redford

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

you are very polite

Huskies622 said...

Just stopping by to say hello and happy Holidays! Hope all is well!

Rosie and Redford

Juno said...

Hi Ojo and family, checking in to say Happy Holidays!!

Stay safe and warm! :)
Juno and mom

Huskies622 said...

Just coming by to say hello and happy new year to you and yours...hope all is well!

Fay said...

Hey Ojo, I was just thinking about you and missing you. I hope you and your family are all OK. /Fay, the cardis two and the new(ish) SPoo in SE USA

Juno said...

Hi Ojo! Just wanted to come by and say hello. Hope you're doing well!

Juno xo