Sunday, May 1, 2022

Happy Stick Sunday

Hi friends, Ojo here! Today for me is chew-a-stick-Sunday! 

What happy things are happening for your Sunday?


Fay said...

Hi, Ojo! What big teeth you have! And a nice stick, too. Sunday, we are playing catch up (sadly, not catch) with weekend chores. But at least it's not a (paid) work day. I might add that Tali, our cardigan corgi who "departed" in February earned the most of any of our dogs, a whopping $7.39 (CAN)!!! Good Boy!

Kinley Westie said...

Enjoy your stick!

Duke said...

You look so happy chewing on your stick, Ojo!

MadSnapper said...

Beau said to tell you he loves sticks too... and also that you have a wonderful SMILE..

WFT Nobby said...

Hi Ojo,
Guess what? I found some sticks to chew too!
Isn't life fun?

Huskies622 said...

That looks like a delicious stick! And it made you so happy!

Rosie and Redford