Friday, May 27, 2022

Another nap

Hi friends, Ojo here! After my Walks I like to nap. The best naps are right in the middle of the floor where the people have to step over me.

Do you nap after Walks too?


Duke said...

Yup, I nap after walkies too, Ojo, and this time of the year in front of the fan that's on the floor pointed right at me.

Fay said...

I agree, Ojo! The very best naps are in the middle of the floor, especially between rooms! It looks as though you are having a Very Nice Nap!

WFT Nobby said...

My walkies are getting longer and longer before I need to nap.
Nobby (mountaineer in training).

C.L.W.STEP said...

Chester says doggies can nap anywhere they want to, even if the humans have to step over them! LOL BOL! Sweet dreams!

Millie and Walter said...

After walk or play naps are the best!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Hello Friends! To start, thank-you, for thinking of us and checking in while I was recovering from surgery and getting my energy back. I so appreciated your thoughtfulness that was a nice pick me up, that I needed.

And I have to grin that this post is all about "napping." I come from a long line of nappers, as do our dogs who agree that napping in the middle of the cool floor is the best place, but I prefer the bed and a nice soft pillow. 🥰

Have a good weekend, and thank-you again!! ❤

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

I take them before walks too

Huskies622 said...

That looks like an excellent nap Ojo, and you are right to lay down exactly where you will be most in the way! We like to do that too!

Rosie and Redford