Sunday, July 5, 2020

We are still here

Hi friends, we are still here.

We are good. Our people are good. And our Walks have been Very Good. Like this one!

Also we sat in a Very Big Chair.

We hope you and all your people are good also. We are sending love and licks to all of you!


Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

That is a beautiful part of the country. Enjoy your adventures.

WFT Nobby said...

Hi Cobi and Ojo,
Great to see you guys and know that all's well. You have such beautiful places to walk and you look most handsome in the Mount Washington chair.
Toodle pip!

Duke said...

Wow - that is one huge chair! It's wonderful to see you, Cobi and Ojo!

C.L.W.STEP said...

It's very nice to hear from you again, pups! We're glad you're still going on those wonderful walkies. Hope to hear from you again soon!