Monday, July 20, 2020


It is I, Vampire Hedgehog!

I am Ojo's favourite toy, thus I have come to live at the little house on the mountain. 

Have you ever seen a Vampire Hedgehog like me?!? I think not!

I am told I am wonderful to chew on. My friend Ojo prefers to chew under my cape. I seem to have obtained a small hole on my backside. 

It seems I have a BITE taken out of me! Inconceivable. I should be the one doing the biting!

The human says I will be mended soon. However Ojo would prefer to keep me with her.

I don't mind. We are better together. 


Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Bite it before it bites you.

Duke said...

Whoa - those red eyes! Your Vampire Hedgehog is a cutie and very well dressed, Ojo.

WFT Nobby said...

I don't think we have vampire hedgehogs in Scotland!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Vampire Hedgehog, we think you might need a trip to the surgery center:)

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

C.L.W.STEP said...

Wow! That's a great squeaky toy! But I would have taken all the stuffing and the squeaker out by now. (Gee, I wonder why I don't get many new squeaky toys???) Have fun Ojo!

Ruby said...

OMD, Ojo, that is one PAWSOME toy my furiend!!! I, too, go for the hinnie in all my toys...they seem to get a new 'hole' if you knows what I mean...BOL!!!
I thinks your Vamp hedgehog is FABulous! I don't thinks I've ever seen such a well dressed stuffie!
Have tons of funs this week!
Ruby ♥