Wednesday, September 16, 2015

I help with the Rake!

Nature is making Fall. It is called Fall because this is when many things fall from the sky. Rain falls, and also many, many leaves fall.

I LOVE it when leaves fall from the sky, because then the people bring out my friend Rake!

When Rake comes out to work, I always make sure to help! This is me helping.

Helping with the Rake!

Helping with the Rake!

Come on, Rake! Time to go again!

Helping with the Rake!

Hurray for Rake! I love the Rake!

Can we do Rake again soon please??


Zoe said...

Yu even make wurk look like fun! Whut a happy grrl yu are!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

I bet your humans think you are a BIG help, Cobi. (Just like when we help with the sweeping. MOL!)
Enjoy your leaf raking!

zoepheedogs said...

LOL! That looks like fun! :D

Two French Bulldogs said...

So funny!!! We do that to the vacuum
Lily & Edward

Milo and Jet said...

Looks like your doing a great job helping with the rake :) I bet your humans where very grateful for the help. Milo & Jet

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We don't need to rake yet, but soon!
PS Cousin Ojo can come help play with our mice!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

More happy days,, and good times,,,
I think the rake is too big for me.

rottrover said...

Cobi, are you sure Rake is your friend? It looks like you want to pounce on Rake...

-Ruby and Otto

Duke said...

Attacking the rack is fun!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly