Thursday, July 11, 2013

Tall grasses in my favourite Park

Today Nature was making Hot Sun and Cold Wind.

We went to one of my favourite places - Uplands Park! The grass and flowers had gotten very tall since I was here last. Ojo has never been here before. She loved it! Can you see her?

While Ojo bounced around in the flowers, I made a cozy nest in the cool grasses. Much more sensible, don't you think?

Whatcha dooin' now, Ojo?

Wait, you're playing chase-littlest-person? I LOVE the chasing game!! Wait for me!!!

By the end, Ojo's tongue was doing this. Can we do the tall grasses again tomorrow?


Anonymous said...

Don't get lost in them trees guys, sure wish we were there running around in that special place with you, Oh, and barking

The Mad Scots

Kari in Alaska said...

That's some SUPER tall grass

Stop on by for a visit

Kari in Alaska said...

That's some SUPER tall grass

Stop on by for a visit

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Looks like you and Ojo are getting along so well. We are so happy for you. Tall grass is fun, so much to sniff in it! Have a good one. Lee and Phod

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Isn't it fun to have more friends to play with!! I think so many places to hide and romp around.
It looked like a good time to me.
Beautiful photos!

Unknown said...

Those are some tall grasses. Enjoy and have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Two French Bulldogs said...

It sure is tall. Don't get lost in there
Benny & Lily

haopee said...

What are those purple flowers? They look pretty. Wow... we don't have parks like that? My pack would love some tall grasses to run around in.