Friday, September 27, 2024

Good Leg, Bad Leg, Good Leg

Hi hi hi! Ojo here!

Long Line is back.

Friends, the Leg formerly known as Bad Leg is also known as Left Leg. Left Leg has been doing well! However, Right Leg has been hurting. A few nights ago I was limping, and I slipped a few times, so my person took me to Vet. (I don't like going to Vet.)

First Vet tried to straighten Left Leg, which used to be Bad Leg, but now it's Good Leg because it went all the way straight! Vet said she was very impressed with how well Left Leg is doing! It is very strong and stable, and has good muscle mass!

Then Vet tried to straighten Right Leg. But this hurt and I wouldn't let her.

Vet thinks I may have done a small tear in the CCL on Right Leg. So now Right Leg is Bad Leg.

In order to make that one Good Leg too, I am only allowed on Pee-and-Poop-Walks for the next ten days. And I have to stay on leash. 

Most of my Pee-and-Poop-Walks are around our house and are on Short Leash, but once per day my person drives me somewhere different and I get to do my Pee-and-Poop-Walk in the forest with Long Line.

I don't want to have to do Surgery again friends, so even though I know I can go longer and faster, I have agreed to do Pee-and-Poop-Walks-only for the next little while. I hope this fixes Right Leg!


Duke said...

Fingers and paws are crossed that the next 10 days of leash walks will fix you back right up, Ojo. We don't want you to have to have surgery either!

Millie and Walter said...

We're sorry to hear your leg is feeling bad now, Ojo. We have our paws crossed that your short walks on lead help it feel better.

Gemma's person said...

We hear , no more overdoing Ojo. I don't want to see you having to use a cane. hee heee. that was a joke , can you see that image in your mind. Please, take care .