Sunday, February 25, 2024

Hi hi hi!

Hi hi hi! It's ME! Ojo!

What are YOU up to today?


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Beau is up to the same thing you are but first it was outside in the mulched leaves/grass and then inside to depost said leaves and grass from furs to carpet.

WFT Nobby said...

Hi hi Ojo!
You're looking good.
I had a great time today, meeting up with my Aberdeenshire fox terrier group for a walk in the woods. As ever, we had a blast!
I hope you had a great day too.

Kten said...

Dear cousin Ojo, we have had a full day already. Hailey decided to throw up at 2:30 am, so while Lady was cleaning that up, the Man took us up. They Lee lied and told Lady she needed to go out at 6:30 - which she didn't, she just wanted Lady up. Then at 8 Lady got up and took us for a big walk where we saw deer and got to chase a red john (red squirrel). We have breakfast, but there were no pancakes today as Lady and Man got doing other adult thinks like reviewing finances. This was followed by naps, then play at lunch and it is about time for our afternoon naps. So a busy Sunday. Hope all is well with you. Cousin Lee and Handsome Phod

Millie and Walter said...

You look very relaxed, Ojo. We've done much of the same as you are today. BTW our mom wants to pet your belly if that would be okay with you.

Duke said...

I love that position too, Ojo, and you do it so well!

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Hi good buddy

Huskies622 said...

Ojo! That is the happiest and cutest picture ever! Thanks for the big smile you gave us!

Rosie and Redford