Thursday, January 4, 2024


Hi hi hi, Ojo here! Today we found SUN!

Not only did the Forest give us SUN, it also gave us many damp smells for sniffing, and many fun trails for running on, and many good sticks for chasing!

Also, I got to do tricks for cheese!

This was a Good Walk.

Did you get a Good Walk today, friends?


Millie and Walter said...

It's been cold and wet around here. We sure could use a bit of sunshine here. Could you send some our way?

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Don't lose the sun, it like to sliip away this time of year.

Duke said...

The sun feels soooo good and makes us soooooo happy! We walked yesterday and we're planning on walking today once it gets light out and mom isn't afraid we'll be breakfast for some wild animal.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Beau gets his good walk every day, but only on Sunday morning in woods with good smell and he must stay on leash, but he loves it anywhere. He has never been out in woods like yours off leash, life in the city. oh well

Inger said...

Ojo, you look so happy in the forest. It's a wonderful place for a dog to explore, isn't it? It must have hundreds of millions of smells to try to figure out, and so many sticks to play with.

Huskies622 said...

Nice walk you had there! But isn't this winter a little weird? Not much cold and here in Maryland, things are already starting to bloom!!! It's nuts!

Rosie and Redford

Kten said...

Dear cousin Ojo,
We think that sleeping with a bear is a good idea after a long walk in the sun or snow or rain or whatever. Cousin Lee and Handsome Phod who are excited that we got some snow again!