Friday, August 19, 2022

Summer is getting older

Hi friends, Ojo here! Summer is getting older. The sun is not as high in the sky. The light is more golden. The wasps are getting grumpy. And the maple and arbutus trees are turning their leaves yellow and dropping them to the ground.

I had a Very Happy Walk today in the leaves and golden light. (I don't like wasps, though.)

What's summer doing where you live?


MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is getting older in Florida too and that makes me and Beau happy, we love Oct through Feb our favorite time here. we don't like wasps either.

Duke said...

We are looking forward to Autumn so we're glad that summer is getting older. We have a drought here and the grass is brown and crispy in spots and we need to be careful not to waste water. I don't like wasps either, Ojo - and especially when they find their way inside the house! You have such a pretty smile☺

Fay said...

That's a beautiful portrait, Ojo!

WFT Nobby said...

Our days are getting shorter and our hills are covered with gorgeous purple heather which glows in the evening light. It's beautiful!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

We can see how happy you are with the summertime getting more golden! I does suit you...well, except for wasps. Phooey on them!

They went after Benji, too...thankfully it was where he has thick furs, so not too much issues.

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

The nights have a little more coolness, but the days are getting hotter again. It won't last for long as the days are getting shorter

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

How handsome you are with the sun shining just right and those early fall leaves. Glad you enjoyed your walk - Enjoy your weekend too!

Millie and Walter said...

We have a lot of the same going on here, Ojo. You sure look happy hanging out in the leaves.

Kten said...

Dear cousin Ojo. We loved your upside down picture. You looked so happy. We have noticed the shorter days here. It is dark at 5 am when we walk. We are trying to enjoy the end of summer the best we can. Lee and Phod

Huskies622 said...

Hi Ojo, Summer is still so hot here, and being huskies, we cannot wait for autumn to come! You look so happy in your photos , you have some excellent walks to enjoy the cooling days, right?

Rosie and Redford