Sunday, December 19, 2021

The Big Wind and the Happy Snow

Hi friends, Ojo here!

We had a Big Storm. With the Big Storm came the Big Wind. I do not like the Big Wind. It makes the whole house shake. I had to hide in my person's bed all night. It was very scary!

But the next day, when I hopped out of my person's bed, I found that there was a lot of happy snow on the ground!

I will forgive the storm for the wind since it brought the perfect amount of happy snow.

What about you, friends? I hope you don't have the big wind. Perhaps you have happy snow?


Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

It looks like you are enjoying the snow.

WFT Nobby said...

Hi Ojo,
Gail and I love your Happy Snow.
We had a big wind (in fact two big winds in quick succession) recently, and so many trees were blown down that most of our usual footpaths through the forests are now closed. That's why you've been seeing posts about beach walks recently.
Now we have very little wind and would like some more so it would blow away the fog.
Toodle pip!

Duke said...

Look at all of your beautiful happy snow, Ojo! We don't have any here and none is predicted yet. Have fun!

Fay said...

Hi, Ojo! That looks like the perfect amount of snow. Sadly, here in SE USA, we have had record breaking heat, 80 degrees. And then rain. No snow, although we do, on occasion, get snow, which makes me mad because I left my snow shovel in New Hampshire!

Millie and Walter said...

We've had a big wind a couple of times recently but it never brought any snow, just rain. Luckily we didn't loose power like some people did.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Well, we had all the big big big wind and NO snow. So we are eagerly awaiting that package of snow you sent us.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Huskies622 said...

We want to move to where YOU are Ojo! And for Christmas we are getting 60 degree temperatures, that is not close to winter time snow goodness. Please send us your snow, okay?

Rosie and Redford