Monday, August 16, 2021

Nap with toy

Hi friends, Ojo here! I love my toys! And this one is one of my favourites. It makes a very loud squeak-whonk sound when I bite it! But it is also very soft. Perfect for a nap.

Do you love your toys too? Do you ever take naps with them?


Inger said...

Samson doesn't play with toys anymore. Says he's too old. Faith loves here orange balls and her chew toys. Not very confy to sleep with. But she sleeps in my bed on her own very soft blankie.

Gemma's person said...

I fall asleep everywhere and anywhere. Sometimes my head is under the bed and it's dark and very cavey. :)

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

We nap on our tys so they don't escape

Duke said...

I nap with my tennis ball a lot.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I kissed your beautiful face in the last photo and Beau says he doesn't care for toys, only orange balls and the kong but only if it has peanut butter in it

Fay said...

Hi, Ojo! I confess that I sleep with a "wolf" dog toy. It was an anniversary present (to mark our second year in New Hampshire). My first year's anniversary present was a snow shovel!

Fay said...

And it squeaks sometimes when I lie on it!

Millie and Walter said...

You look so cute napping with your toy. We don't have stuffie toys laying around because Walter would just rip them up in no time. He does like to play with a rubber ball in the house and carries it around with him sometimes.

C.L.W.STEP said...

Chester takes naps with his squeaky toys. But usually he's already taken out the squeaker and the stuffing. Joey dog used to confiscate a squeaky toy occasionally for nap time, much to Chester's dismay. (Chester thinks all squeaky toys and tennis balls belong to him!)

WFT Nobby said...

I only nap with a toy if Gail's leg is not available to snuggle up to.
Toodle pip!

Juno said...

OMD Ojo!! Whatta sweet face! Mom and I had BIG smiles!! My sissy Angle Momo was not into her toys BUTT Yes, I do love my toys..... and daddy's socks from his laundry basket!

Pinot xo

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ojo, your soft toy makes a great chin rest. Timber will sometimes sleep with a toy that he doesn't want Misty to get:)

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Huskies622 said...

I like to nap with toys too! I don't really play with them but I think they are very comfortable head rests, just like you Ojo!

Your friend Rosie

Kten said...

Cousin Lee says the best toy to nap with is Phod's Precious because it bugs him so much. We do both like to nap with toys.