Friday, June 25, 2021

The Climb and The Rest

Hi friends! Ojo here!

We are still living in little-house-on-the-mountain, but only for a few more days. Before we leave, my person wanted to climb the Big Mountain behind our little house at least one last time.

(In case anyone is wondering, this big mountain is called "ski hill". Dogs are not allowed here in the winter, but we can go here in the summer!)

I LOVE climbing the Big Mountain! There are so many smells! So many birds! So many little critters! 

Later in the summer there will be wild blueberries and when there are blueberries I eat them the whole way until my tummy is full of blueberries! 

This time there were no blueberries, but there was still a lot of Snow! I love Snow!

I took a break on top of the Big Mountain on this Little Mountain of Snow. It was a good place to rest and cool my tummy, which got hot from all the running up hill!

Have a good day, friends!


Duke said...

Lucky you to be able to play in the snow in June, Ojo!

C.L.W.STEP said...

Wow! You still have places of snow near where you live??? We are well into summer here in WNY.

Inger said...

You must be a long way from Alabama with all that snow you're sitting on. I'm so glad you found a good home and can have so many wonderful adventures. One day you're swimming, the next you're sitting on a big snowdrift. To answer your question about Faith and swimming. I have no idea, of course if she would be a confident swimmer or not. But she is a very cautious dog. She's not afraid at all, but careful. So maybe she would be a cautious swimmer, stay close to shore until she became more confident. Maybe she and I can discuss when we have another one of our conversations on the blog. How cool that you too have webbed paws.

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

You look like kings of the mountain.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Is your mama singing I found my love on Blueberry Hill? That's what I started singing when I read this and your momma was right you and Beau and all the other dogs bring so much joy and laughter and love into our lives and I feel it when I look up pictures of you laying in the snow. Sorry you have to leave your little house

Fay said...

What an exciting place to live, even if part-time, Ojo! I second cooling one's belly on snow! Tells your moms I enjoy their clever writing!

Millie and Walter said...

It looks like you had a great time climbing your big mountain. We could use some of that snow and cold around here this weekend since the weather peeps are calling for super high temps.

WFT Nobby said...

What a fine climb and you found the perfect resting place Ojo.
Blueberries next time?

Kten said...

Glad you got a climb to the snow before you had to go.