Saturday, January 9, 2021

I like to sleep with Puffie Too who was Cobi's

Hi friends, Ojo here!

When Cobi walked across the rainbow bridge she left all her toys behind, even her favourite ones. Her favourite toys of all time were Ducky and the two Puffies. Puffie One is light brown and he lives in our big house in the city. Puffie Too is grey and lives up here in our little house on the mountain.

Cobi used to like to snuggle with her Puffies. She would suckle them in her mouth and chew them ever so gently. Whenever she was worried sucking on a Puffie could help make her feel better. The Puffies always had stick-up spikes of fur from where she liked to suck and chew on them. Here is Cobi with her Puffie:

Now I guess the Puffies are mine. 

There was always a rule that I was not allowed to chew on the Puffies because they were Cobi's favourites and because I am much rougher with my toys. (I like to take the insides out!)

Now that Cobi isn't here to take care of the Puffies any more it is my job. Friends, I still never try to rip the Puffies. I never try to play with them or tear their stuffing out. I only handle the Puffies very, very gently.

I like to sleep with Puffie Too. He makes a good pillow. I carry him carefully into my bed and tuck him under my chin and take a nap. And he still smells like Cobi, just a little bit.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ojo, Cobi must be smiling from ear to ear when she sees how good you are being with her Puffies. That is just so sweet.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

EAS said...

Awe Ojo, what a good girl you are to be so careful with the Puffies! I think you appreciate their link to Cobi and now love them just as she did. Sweet dreams little one.

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

You look like you are treating them very sweetly.

WFT Nobby said...

Ojo, that is the sweetest ever post. So lovely to see you taking good care of Cobi's Puffie.

Duke said...

What a sweet photo of you and Puffie, Ojo. Puffie is very special♥

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you look so sweet with Cobi's puffie and it melts my heart that you love them too.. I know about puffies, but our Max, our very first dog together when we got married, had one called Ellie... Max was 6 months old, we took him on a trip to visit my parents. he slid under the bed and came out with a blue elephant, she became his puffie. when he was about 12, she just fell apart but he continued to suck on her, like a pacifier. I bought another one identical to Elly, he liked it ok but never loved it like he Did Ellie. he was 16 when he died and Elly was in pieces.

Millie and Walter said...

You look very content sleeping with Puffie. It's nice that they remind you of Cobi.

Fay said...

Ojo, I am certain Puffie Too feels less sad when its with you. You are a good friend.

Inger said...

This was the sweetest story. Ojo, you are such a very, very good dog taking such good care of Puffie.

C.L.W.STEP said...

For some reason, Chester has not totally destroyed his newest squeaky toys. He carries them around, and slobbers them, and has nibbled off a couple small bits. Maybe he's just getting old.

TimberLove said...

Looks comfy mate, enjoy woooos snoozes,


Juno said...

Oh Ojo! So sweet! I am sure Cobi is happy to see you're looking after her favourite toys.

Whoa, you had so nuch snow! Stay warm!

Pinot xo