Saturday, August 22, 2020

A happy picture of ME (even though things aren't very happy)

Hi friends, Ojo here.

The people told me to post a the most happy picture of ME that I could find. Here it is.

This picture was from our Walk today. I am happy on Walks. I love Walks!

But the rest of the time I am not as happy. Things are Not Right.

Cobi is gone and I am sad and I am lonely. I have no one to follow around. I have no one to sleep beside. I have no one to do zoomies with in the mornings.

The people know I am sad. They are trying very hard to make things a little better. I get bonus yummies on my dinner. I get extra treats. I get a Kong every night. We're going on extra-long Walks and exploring new places. I even get bonus Walks because I feel most happy on Walks. And I get lots and lots and lots of petting and cuddles.

But things are Not Right. Without Cobi picking the spots I have a hard time deciding where to curl up to nap. Sometimes I even decide to try napping in different places like the middle of the hallway. I don't feel very enthusiastic these days. I don't really want to play. I mostly just watch my people with sad eyes.

I know where Cobi has gone. I was there with my people watching over her when she lay down to sleep in the grass and crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. And I know she still comes on Walks with us sometimes. I can feel her with us. I know she watches over me.

But I still miss her and I feel sad.


Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

You are now undertaking the long journey through grief. While others may share that grief we all walk it alone. There are no right or wrong paths, no proper way to carry oneself on the trek, no set amount of time to complete it. Some steps will come easier than others. There will be rogue waves of grief that you won’t see coming, and knock you back days. But you will come through it. If you get lost let us know. We have been through it before and we might be able to help you find the way out.

Liz Hamblyn said...

Oh Ojo,do not be sad. Maybe, your family might get you a new fren. Someone to play with and enjoy life with. Angel Cobi will still be with you forever.

Kinley Westie said...

Sending you big hugs. It are so tuff to miss a pal. I wuz real sad when Angel Crockett left too.

WFT Nobby said...

Dear Ojo, we know you are feeling sad, that's only natural when you lose such a good friend. Those walks will help.
Sending hugs to you and you family.
Gail and Bertie.

Duke said...

That is such a beautifully happy picture of you, Ojo, but the smile is on the outside and you are hurting on the inside. It's so hard to lose a best friend. Hugs to you and to your peeps♥

MadSnapper n Beau said...

My eyes are leaking from reading the story on the side bar and todays post. my heart aches with yours Ojo and you are so beautiful, as was Cobi.. my heart is heavy because our Big black dog, named Big Boy is really sicke with congestive heart failure. he loves his walks to. thank you for your comment on Big's blog

C.L.W.STEP said...

We cannot think about our angels without crying, even though it's been years since they passed. For several months after Joey passed, Chester would look all over the house for him. Now, four years later, Chester has settled into being an only dog (who is now spoiled to the max!) You enjoy your walks, Ojo, now. We're sure Cobi is watching you, and wants you to be happy.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Ojo, we haven't been reading blogs much anymore, so we missed the sad news. We KNOW Cobi had a wonderful life full of love. And we understand how your world has turned upside down. Hugs from us.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ojo, we understand completely because we have been there too. It takes time and lots of love from your family. It sounds like they are doing everything right for you. Just keep smiling - you are beautiful.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Dear cousin Ojo, we are sorry our beautiful Cobi is gone and you are sad. We are sad too. She was one of our first blog pals. We are glad you can find some happy times. Lady says it is ok to feel happy and sad at the same time. Hugs and enjoy the extra treats and walks. It will get easier. Cousin Lee and Handsome Phod