Friday, November 15, 2019

A tale of two smells (by Ojo)

Hi hi hi! Ojo here! This is a story about a SMELL. TWO smells, actually! It has a happy start, a bad middle, and a happy ending! Are you ready? Here is my story!

Chapter One

Once upon a time there was ME, Ojo! I went running by a big river. My nose detected something amazing: a Very Dead and Decaying Thing! What a find!

I rolled in the Very Dead and Decaying Thing. I rolled and rolled and rolled! My whole body was covered in gunk. It was sticky. It was goopy. It was slimy. It gave me spiky points on my fur!

Once upon a time there was ME, Ojo. I had a Very Good Stink on me.

Then, tragedy. My person gave me a bath. She wet me and washed me and soaped me and scrubbed me, until I smelled like dog shampoo.

But I promised this story has a happy ending, so here's what happened next: My fur dried. And I still smelled like Very Dead and Decaying Thing! I felt happy indeed!

But wait, there's more!

Chapter Two

Once upon a time there was ME, Ojo! A few days later I went running by a little creek. My nose detected something amazing: a Very Large Pile of Poop! What a find!

I rolled in the Very Large Pile of Poop. I rolled and rolled and rolled! My whole body was covered in gunk. It was sticky. It was goopy. It was slimy. It gave me spiky points on my fur!

Once upon a time there was ME, Ojo. Now I had TWO Very Good Stinks on me.

Then, tragedy. My person gave me a bath. She wet me and gave me an apple cider vinegar rinse. Then she wet me again and put enzyme cleaner on me. (Can you imagine?!?) Then she wet me again and washed me and soaped me and scrubbed me, until I smelled like apple cider vinegar and enzyme cleaner and dog shampoo.

But I still promised this story has a happy ending, so here's what happened next:

My fur is drying. And I still smell like Very Dead and Decaying Thing AND Very Large Pile of Poop! Hurray!


Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

I am not sure if there is a correlation between rolling in things and getting a bath.

WFT Nobby said...

Ojo, what a great story. Stinky poop beats human's best cleaning products. You are a champion!

Duke said...

Bummer for way too many baths, Ojo and I know all about rolling in great smelling stuffs. It's heaven, isn't it!

C.L.W.STEP said...

Now all you need is to find a skunk! Oh, and chlorox gets poopy smells out from under your fingernails. My ghostwriter says she knows that because she's been a nurse for 38 years. But I don't think your peeps would want to put chlorox on you.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That must have been some very stinky stuff to over power shampoo AND enzyme stuff! Well done....though we’re sorry about the B.A.T.H.S.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

May no shampoo be able to remove the smell. Enjoy it while it lasts!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I do love a dog that has just had a bath. AND when I've had to give one under similar circumstances, I say, "don't do the crime, if you can't do the bath-time!" :-) Glad you had fun though!