Sunday, November 25, 2018

Our stockings! (by Ojo)

Hi hi hi! Ojo here!

Something very exciting happened! Our stockings came out!

This means that Santa is coming! He is coming in exactly one month! He will fill our stockings with treats and toys! And look how much bigger my stocking is than Cobi's! I will get MORE treats and MORE toys!

But this is also very worrisome. I have not been entirely Good recently.

You see, I chased the Neighbor Cat. I keep sneaking onto the people's bed for a warm winter nap. I barked at the tree the other night, for ever and ever. And I rolled in something stinky.

Does this mean Santa will not come for me? I am worried about this.

Cobi is very wise. (She is much, much older than me, you know. Even though I'm the one with the white face now. Cobi is still the Old Dog around here!) And she has had her stocking for many, many years. And she tells me that Santa always fills it.

I hope this is true. Sometimes I am very Good! But sometimes I am also very Bad. I hope Santa remembers how Good I am too!

Do I not look Very Good today?


Kinley Westie said...

Whew, I hope Santa fills mine even though I are not always "good."

Duke said...

Santa is very forgiving on Christmas. I think he will look the other way on your little oopsies, Ojo.

Julie said...

Oh I LUFFS your stockings, I'm sure Santy Paws will FILL them up fur you!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

WFT Nobby said...

Hi Ojo! I must say, your supposed misdemeanours seem entirely trivial to me, just part of what any reasonable person (or Santa) would deem perfectly acceptable canine behaviour. And you ARE very handsome. So good luck with that stocking.
Toodle pip!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Chasing cats, rolling in lovely smells, barking at dangerous trees....sounds like you're just doing your job, and well, we might add. We're sure Santa will fill your stocking with treats!