Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Dear friends,

I turned TEN! This is more years than I can count, even using my paws and my ears and my nose and my tail...

Here is my birthday portrait. I am very serious, because TEN is a very serious number. I am now Very Wise, and if you are a young pup you should listen to everything I say!

For my birthday weekend, my people took us to find SNOW! This was very exciting, and I did much zooming and rolling in the it. But there are no pictures.

Instead, here is a picture of me with Ojo on the morning that was actually my birthday, before we found the snow.

I think TEN years is enough, don't you? I am going to start counting backwards. Next year I think I will turn nine again.


Duke said...

That is an excellent plan once you reach ten to go backwards! Happy 10th Birthday, Cobi! Snow is the bestest gift ever!

Liz Hamblyn said...

Happy Birthday, You look very handsome in your photo. Love the two bestest maremmas in all the land.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Dearest Cobi, you don't look a day over 8. We wish you all the best for this new decade.

WFT Nobby said...

Happy Birthday Cobi!
Great that you had a trip to the snow.

C.L.W.STEP said...

Happy birthday Cobi! I'll be ten years old this year too. I think I'll start counting backwards is a good idea.