Monday, August 28, 2017

The HOT is back

I thought Fall was starting. Nature was making cooler days, and even cooler nights. The leaves were starting to come down from the trees. There were big breezes, and the smell of Fall in the air.

But then the HOT came back. Some of the people are very happy about this, but I am not. It is TOO HOT!


WFT Nobby said...

Selfishly, Gail is worried too about the heat in your part of the world. She does not do well in temperatures over 25ÂșC.
But do I care if she fries when is is over there and I am left behind?
Toodle pip!

Julie said...

Its happened here as well...just as I was growing in to my winter furs there's a heatwave!!! Whats that all about? Luckily its only going to last today and then its back to cooler fur me, heat can be so overrated don't you finks
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Duke said...

I'm with you, Cobi - cool is bestest! We still have cool here and I hope it stays that way!

rottrover said...

Cobi, HOT came to us too. It was 106 yesterdays. Me and the Osa stayed in and slept on cool tile and napped in the a/c with our mom. --Otto

PeeeeeS: Say hi to Ojo

C.L.W.STEP said...

We've had a few cooler days too. But the hot weather will be back before long!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Our COLD came back! the mornings. We think you need another trip to the beach to keep cool!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

People are never happy with the weather!