Thursday, June 1, 2017

I am NINE!

I am nine years old! My person forgot to post this on my birthday. I guess she is getting old too. For my birthday we climbed a mountain! (I love to climb. But I don't love going down as much.) 

I am awesome, because I can still climb high even though I am old and wise and NINE!

(It takes all four paws, both my ears, both my eyes, and my tail to count to nine! That is a lot!)

I am very wise now. You should listen to me when I give advice!

Here I am with my person on top of the world on my birthday.


Duke said...

Happy 9th Birthday, Cobi! Hiking is so much fun!

Julie said...

What a pawfect thingy, you should be on TOP OF THE WORLD on your BIRTHDAY....was there CAKE when you got there?????
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx
PeeS How is Ojo's poorly leg doing?

acd6pack said...

Happy Birthday!!

Did you get special treats or just the regular spoiling you always get?

Collie222 said...

Happy birthday!!!! Did you get presents and cake after your hike?

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Happy Birthday, Ojo, you wise dog. We think climbing a mountain might be fun. We wouldn't know because it's very flat around here. We do have one hill, though. BOL!

Two French Bulldogs said...

What an adorable picture. Happy Birthday, hope you had fun mountain climbing
Lily & Edward

Kinley Westie said...

Happy birthday!

C.L.W.STEP said...

Happy birthday Cobi! I will be nine years old in October. Yes, we will both be very wise. (I hope Ojo's foot is feeling all better now.)

WFT Nobby said...

Belated Happy Birthday Cobi. Climbing a mountain is, in my view, the very best was of spending a birthday. Toodle pip!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Happy belated birthday dear Cobi.