Monday, October 10, 2016

Thankfulness and Beach! (by Ojo)

Hi hi hi! Ojo here!

Where we live, today is Thanksgiving!

I am very thankful for many things...

I am thankful for the turkey that cooked in our oven last night!
I am thankful for my toys that go squeak, and even for the ones that don't!
I am thankful for my bowl that fills up with food twice a day!
I am thankful for my comfy-warm-donut bed, and my cosy crate-den that I sleep in at night!

I am thankful for the people who saw me in shelter and decided I should move to Canada to live where there are amazing Beaches!

I am thankful for the sun that warmed our fur this morning!
I am thankful for the crazy, spongy, smelly seaweed that I played in on our amazing Beach this morning!

I am thankful for my people, who give me love and take me on adventures every single day!
I am thankful for Cobi, who is grumpy sometimes but who mostly loves me, and who protects me from things that are mean and scary!

I am thankful for my legs that run fast!
I am thankful for my feet that spring me into the air!
I am thankful for my body that is strong and swift!

I am thankful to be alive on this sunny day! And I am thankful that there is more turkey in the fridge for dinner tonight!

Happy Thanksgiving, Canadian friends. What are YOU thankful for?


Julie said...

I am VERY Thankful that I found your blog and that you are both my furfriends
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Peoples
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Cowspotdog said...

we asre thankful to share in your adventures :)

Cowspotdog said...

PS we are allergic to turkey so feel free to have double for us :)

Duke said...

We are thankful to have you and Cobi as our friends, Ojo! Happy Thanksgiving!

Zoe said...

Life is Gud! Yu have o-so-many things to spread yur thankfulness 'round.
I'm thankful fur yu wunnerful Canandian pals!

Two French Bulldogs said...

A lot to be thankful for! Have a wonderful day
Lily & Edward

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Those are wonderful things to be thankful for. Happy belated Thanksgiving to cousin Ojo, beautiful Cobi and your peeps.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That's lots to be thankful landed on your feet when you arrived in Canada, didn't you.... Happy Thanksgiving...hope you got some turkey.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I love to read about all of your thankfulness!