Monday, June 13, 2016

We went away! (by Ojo)

Hi hi hi! Ojo here!

We went away! Truck drove us for hours and hours (this was very boring!) until found a place where Spring was just starting!

If you look very carefully in the picture above, you will see Cobi! Also if you look very carefully you will see those white patches! Those were SNOW!

The lake was Very Cold! But fresh and tasty!

Cobi found a snow patch all for herself! She did not want to share. (She LOVES snow!)

Also we had these silly things on our collars that made lots of noise. They were called barebells. We always wear barebells when we go hiking up on our mountain!

Wait. Not barebells. Our person says they are actually Bear Bells. Why Bear Bells?

Wait. There are BEARS??? You didn't tell me that!!!


Duke said...

What a fun trip and the snow makes it even better! Lucky you, Cobi and Ojo!

Julie said...

Snow!!! You went to see the snow???? I have often wondered where it goes in the summer and you've found it!!! Well done
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah x
PeeS Hope you had a great time

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Oh that looks so good - it iz 90 here now an'mom sez it iz gonna git hotter tue-day an'thunderboomerz later tue-day.. Tue-morrow it iz s'poze tue b 100 degreez.
Lady Shasta of Beaglebratz Manor

Lone Star Cats said...

Bears??? I think I'll stay inside!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Cobi we thought you were a reindeer
Lily & Edward

zoepheedogs said...

Yay! That looks like a fun trip! We love the mountains! Fresh snow is the best! I'm sorry about your bearbells! Zoe and Phoenix have been victims of the loud and noisy bells, too! :D

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Bears??!! Whoa, hope the peeps are on guard while you PLAY! Looks like a fangtastic place to just race around....or lie in the snow...whatever you want to do!

Cowspotdog said...

you know it had been proven that bells do not scare bear away - in fact they often come to check out the noise. Can't believe you found snow - we have had high 90's temps for over 3 weeks now

C.L.W.STEP said...

Snow in June? Wow! You be careful way up in the wilderness you two!

rottrover said...

Did you say SNOWS???


Charliedownunder said...

Crikey .... How beautiful is that place. Almost worth driving in the big truck for hours, aye? BUT bears ... Fair dinkum??? What do the bells do??? Tell 'em where you are??? Crikey .... Be careful, aye?