Thursday, May 28, 2015

Oh Spring! (by Ojo)

Hi hi hi! Ojo here!

Oh Spring!
You are still coming!
You are changing all the time!

Right now, you bring me...

Grass to bounce through!

Flowers and bees and butterflies!

Fun walks!

And warm air!

Which is awesome
the people will stay outside longer with us
just hanging out
and smelling the flowers!

Oh Spring, we love you!
Hurray for Spring!


Two French Bulldogs said...

It's so gloomy here we forgot it's spring. Have fun
Lily & Edward

Zoe said...

Don't leave yur tongue hangin out fur too long Ojo, sum buzzy bee mite come along an sit fur a spell. Oh my!

Julie said...

Ojo, how do you get that tongue to fit back in your mouth, its soooo long!
What a great place for walkies and chasing the buttie pillars!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

C.L.W.STEP said...

We would like to run in the tall grass, but Dad keeps mowing it down!

Duke said...

You both look so wonderful among the beautiful wildflowers!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey Ojo ..... that tongue's out of control, mate?? I need a tongue like that for when I get icecream. You could sure give icecream a going over with that tongue, aye??
Crikey you two look good romping around in all those pretty flowers. Well Cobi's not doin' much rompin' but she sure looks pretty sitting there.
Enjoy the garden ..... we'll be here when you have time to drop in, aye??

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Its a perfect spring,,, isn't it!!! Just perfect!

Kinley Westie said...

Wow, dat are one pawsome tongue!

Milo and Jet said...

Wow what a pawesome fields to run in the flowers are beautiful :)You have a very pawesome tongue :) Milo & Jet