Sunday, December 23, 2012

Dear Santa - thank you

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year I asked for a bone. But you do not need to bring me a bone, because I got something even better...


So you don't need to come anymore, I already have everything I need.

Wait... my littlest person says that you still need to come. Okay, please come for her, but I do not need anything else. My Christmas is going to be perfect!



Anonymous said...

You look adorable pouncing in the snow

A Day In The Life Of A Goose said...

Oh my dog, that looks like the greatest day ever Cobi!! You are leaping and laughing and loving all that cold, white stuff! :-) I've never seen snow, so make sure that you have a.wonderful time for me!!!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Oh Cobi you look SOOOOOO THRILLED with yoiur SNOW. Your peeps are CUTE!!!

I think Santa will bring more than the SNOW though.

Merry Christmas to you my furend and to those you Love.