Friday, September 3, 2010

Finding Raven

Today was a good day.

This morning my person played with jars again. And pears this time. People are strange. So I went outside and played on my own. I sniffed the whole yard. Then I slept in the sun.

After my long nap we got in the car. Then my person said these words: Walk, Beach, Raven.

These are all happy words. I looked out the window and my person was right! There was the beach, and there was Raven! Raven was playing in a field with another dog friend. I raced out of the car and ran to Raven. We played.

Raven fetches. Raven swims. Raven swims to fetch. This pleased my person very much.

I do not fetch. I do not swim. I definitely do not swim to fetch. But I chase. This pleases me very much.

Raven doesn't mind me chasing. Sometimes we run and play together, even without chasing or fetching. Raven is fast, just like me, because she is my sister. We ran very far. But we didn't want our people to get lost, so we went back.

It was very windy at the beach today. The weather is changing. My nose can smell fall in the air. My person was cold. I think Raven's people were cold too. But not me. I was hot from running with Raven.

One confusing thing happened. After we played, we found Raven's van. The people opened the door, and I went to hop in. But they said "no". Raven hopped in. But I wasn't allowed. I was very confused. Why couldn't I go with Raven?

Then my person took me to our car, and I remembered, and I realized that I was staying with my person. That's okay too. I hope I see Raven again soon.

I was very happy to see Raven today. And her people. And to play on the beach.

Today was a good day. Now I sleep.

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