Friday, July 26, 2024

Lake Morning and Update on Long Line

Hi hi hi! Ojo here!

Long Line took me to Lake this morning. After days of Big Wind and Forest Fire Smoke, today was calm and peaceful. 

Also, there were many good smells, and the occasional tasty treat! This is because the people like to leave food behind on the rocks by the Lake!

Right now I have some harder days and some good days, but mostly Bad Leg is feeling better and better. 

I am happy to say that today was a good day! I felt happy and frisky!

On another note, I have mixed feelings about Long Line. I can go further from my person when I am attached to it, but it stops me from going under the picnic tables or climbing up onto things to find the food that people like to leave behind in the summer. Long Line and I have had a few disagreements over this.

However, I only need to be with Long Line for another four weeks. (How long is four weeks?)

In general, I am happy that it is cooler, and that I get to go outside on my own now, and that I get to Walk for longer.

How are you, friends?

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Bad Leg is Now Good Leg, but Peanut Butter is Suspicious

Hi hi hi! Ojo here!

This week I had a Terrible Thing done to me. This Terrible Thing was called x-ray. I don't know why they made me do it, but afterwards Vet had Good News! 

Bad Leg is now Good Leg!

These are the things Vet said:

  • Ojo's leg is weight bearing well.
  • Ojo has almost the same muscle mass on both back legs now.
  • There is no sensitivity or tenderness at Ojo's surgery site.
  • Ojo has a good range of motion in her leg.
  • There are no signs that Ojo's surgical plate has moved.
  • It looks like Ojo's bone has healed well.

And the best part:

  • Ojo is now allowed to walk even faster and even longer! Ojo needs to build more muscle strength so she can go off leash soon
We are still waiting for final confirmation from the surgeon, but my person and I think this is Very Good News!

This is ME in the sun. Bad-Leg-Now-Good-Leg is showing. Look closely, friends! My fur is mostly back, you can barely see where they took it off of me!

I am still working on the muscles in my back legs. I find it a bit hard when I try to go up stairs or hop up onto a small something, this can be a struggle for me. However, after Good News, these past few days I've got to go up and down more stairs and I've hopped onto a few low rocks, and I am already hopping better!

The only Bad Thing is that peanut butter has become suspicious. Lately, when I eat peanut butter, I feel very strange after. I think peanut butter may be hiding Bad Things like medicines. I am getting very suspicious of peanut butter and I don't want to eat it right now.

But I have Other Good News! Long Line is taking me to more exciting places, like these train tracks from this morning! I get to Walk now for almost a whole hour in the morning before it gets HOT (it's been very HOT, friends), and sometimes I get another Walk at bedtime too!

What Good Things are happening in your life, friends?