Wednesday, November 24, 2010

No magic dot?

In the middle of the night I woke up. I wondered if the magic dot was outside waiting to play with me. I made whine noises. My people woke up and Momma C let me out of the crate and into the back yard in case I "had to go". I searched. No dot. She put me back in my crate. So I made more whine noises.

Momma B took me outside again. She worried that maybe my tummy felt funny. This time I searched for a very long time. I still couldn't see the dot, but if the dot is truly magic, it could appear any time.

Momma B asked me to do Come. I did. I got treats. Then she tried to put me back into my crate. I didn't want to go back into my crate. She picked me up and put me in my crate. I made more whine noises. I wanted to look for the dot! Where is the magic dot?

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