Sunday, September 8, 2024

Fall pawtraits, summer weather, and a Walk!

Hi hi hi! Ojo here!

Pepper joined us for our Walk today! Half way through, we stopped and posed so my person could do a Fall Pawtrait of us! (And yes, after we said "cheese" we then got cheese!)

My body feels tired and there is some pain in my knees. But I was still very happy to be out on this Walk today. My person stops and waits, and we take our time. (Unless I see a bunny, then I will zoom!)

Pepper zooms most of the time, unless he stops to sniff something with me.

Even though the trees are starting to drop their leaves, Nature is still making Hot! The sun is orange again because there is smoke high in the sky, but even my nose can't smell it down here in the forest.

I think Pepper looks very handsome in this picture, but don't tell him I said so.

My person says I am just as beautiful as I was when I was young. Or maybe even more beautiful. Is this true, friends?

Monday, September 2, 2024

Pepper stayed over!

Hi hi hi! Ojo here!

Pepper came to stay with us for the weekend! I don't mind this. There are more treats when Pepper is here, and also he shared his bully sticks with me!

At first he was a bit anxious and had a hard time settling. (And he may have chewed a hole in my Bed, but that's okay, his person fixed it.) 

After a bit of time, and some Good Walks, he got much more comfortable.

It always takes him a bit of time to get comfortable when he comes to stay over. Maybe this means he needs to come to stay more often?

Now he has gone home again, and I am resting. It is a lot of work to take good care of a house guest!