Monday, October 3, 2016

Not allowed, then allowed

There is something called September, and then there is something called October. In September, Dogs are NOT ALLOWED on the Beach called Willows. But in magical October, Dogs ARE allowed.

I'm not sure about this September-October thing, but the good news is that the people have decided it's October, so we got to go to the Beach called Willows!

The Beach called Willows is long and full of people and other Dogs. There were rocks today, but often (when Beach is either bigger or smaller because of the thing called "tide"), we have nothing but sand under our paws.

Nature was making mostly-sun. It was hot-in-sun-cool-in-shade, and also cool-in-water. We waded, and chased sticks, and sniffed the breeze. This was a perfect Walk!

Please say it's going to stay October and we can come back again soon?


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We think they must be sayin' Dogtober! Anyway..whatever...just enjoy that beach!

Duke said...

Yay for October! What a fun time for you and Ojo, Cobi!

WFT Nobby said...

Oh yes, we have some of those beaches here too. Yours looks very nice.
Isn't October great?
Toodle pip!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Sucks you can't be there all the time, but at least you get to beach some times!

Zoe said...

So mush fun yu 2 have. Yur peepoles find gud places to have fun.

Cowspotdog said...

it should be october all year long !

Tweedles -- that's me said...

October is a good month too

Pippen said...

We like October too! So much more to do and the weather is nice and cool!
