Sunday, February 9, 2025

Please don't go, Snow!

Oh Snow, I love zooming in you! I love sniffing in you! I love rolling in you!

But you are slowly leaving us.

I love you, Snow! Please don't go!


Duke said...

I love the snow as much as you do, Ojo, although I haven't rolled in it yet. I hope your snow doesn't melt until you want it to!

Millie and Walter said...

We have plenty of snow if you want to come here to play in it, Ojo.

Mary Lou said...

I have had three dogs throughout my Life as a Mutt Mom. Shadow Sunshine, {who is dead}, absolutely hated the snow. She would not even do her business in it. We had to shovel her a path of grass for that. Rose Elizabeth, {who is also dead}, completely loved the snow!! She would sniff it, and we went 'walkin' in a Winter Wonderland' more than once!! Essie, {who is alive}, gets the Zoomies when it snows!! But, then again, Essie does have 37% Siberian Husky in her D.N.A., so there's that!! ;op
Peace and Love, Mary Lou

Huskies622 said...

We just posted our love of snow! It's the best, and a snowbath is even better!

Rosie and Redford

TimberLove said...

What a great time! Yeah for snow!!