Thursday, April 19, 2018

Old, the Big Mountain, and my person

Today I felt Old.

We climbed the Big Mountain. And I love climbing the Big Mountain! I can smell the whole city from up there! But today my hips were stiff, and my shoulders were stiff, and it took me a very long time. But we made it!

Ojo, on the other hand, did not take a very long time. She went up and down and up and down and up and down, all while my person and I were just slowly going up.

Look at her muzzle. Does she not look older than me? Does she not look greyer than me?

Sadly she is still younger. And I think I am getting Old.

But look at her. She wants to climb again, pretty please, she says. I do not think so. I am done climbing for now.

Thank you, my person, for going slowly with me so I could still climb the Big Mountain. Thank you, my person, for giving me medicine when I got home so I'm not so stiff. (And I will pretend I did not hear you calling Vet to book me an appointment to see if they can help me be less-stiff.)

We will keep Walking together for a long time, right?


WFT Nobby said...

Cobi, I sense that your person is one of those wonderful persons who will want to carry on walking up mountains with you and will make allowances for the fact that your bones and muscles are not as young as they once were.
Toodle pip!

Duke said...

Climbing more slowing means that you will notice more beauty all around you, Cobi. We hope the vet can help you out with your stiffness.

Kinley Westie said...

Glad ya got to go, even if ya did go slower.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Slow is good. Don't worry about anyone else, just take it at your own pace. We think warmer weather will be coming and it might help the stiffness.

C.L.W.STEP said...

We would do the slow climb up the mountain too. With ghostwriter's rickety knees and my bum hips and extra poundage, slow and steady is the norm.