Saturday, November 19, 2016

A present!

Our person was given a present! It is a "settling blanket"!

One of her clients made it to say thank-you. Isn't it pawesome? It is very soft and thick and comfy!

Ojo and I couldn't decide who would get to lie on it first, so we are sharing!


Duke said...

What a beautiful blankie and it's nice to see you girls sharing!

Zoe said...

That looks So comfy! Yu are so good to share. I am not a sharer. Evfurrything belongs to Me!

C.L.W.STEP said...

Ghostwriter says they have blankets like that at the nursing home. They're so nice and warm!

Dachshund Nola said...

So cozy!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

It is a beautiful blanket. We would not share it. It is good that you can share.

rottrover said...

My new sister, whose name is Osa, BTW, needs a setteling blanket. She moves so fast mom can't even photography her!!! She needs to SETTLE!!


Milo and Jet said...

What a fantastic new blanket :) Looks like your going to enjoy cuddling into it :) Milo & Jet

Coppa's girl said...

Oh, you are lucky - that's a very smart blanket you have there.

Petite-Chose and Inca

WFT Nobby said...

It's good to share. Or at least that's what Gail tells me...
Toodle pip!

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey ... You sure are good sharers, aye? That's a very nice looking blankie.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Looks like you two have settled right in there! Pawsome blanket.

rottrover said...

Ojo? How did the humans help you settle? We know that we have to walk often, but what else did they do to help you??
