Saturday, March 26, 2016

Of Beaches, Balls, and our one day of Spring! (by Ojo)

Hi hi hi! Ojo here!

We had One Day of Spring! (And now Nature is doing rain and cold again.)

But our person was so happy with our One Day of Spring that not only did we get to go to the special-oak-tree-many-grasses-park (Cobi told you about this!), but we also got to go to the Beach!

I was very busy at the Beach!

I ran! I chased Ball! I fetched Ball!
I ran! I chased Ball! I fetched Ball!
I ran some more! I chased Ball some more! I fetched Ball some more!

Cobi did not fetch, although she was very happy so she did carry her Ball a small ways!

Did I mention that I ran? Did I mention that I chased Ball? Did I mention that I fetched?

We were not the only ones on the Beach. The whole city was happy that Nature made One Day of Spring! Everyone was on the Beach!

(And I was very good! I did not steal any Balls that were not mine. I did not crash into any Dogs or people. And I came back every time my person called me!)

Hurray for our One Day of Spring!
(Please come back soon, Spring!)


WFT Nobby said...

That looks like a super time you had on the beach for sure. I too live in a climate where it is so important to seize the day, and for sure you guys did that will all eight paws on your one Spring day.
Toodle pip!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Dear Cousin Ojo and Beautiful Cobi,

We are still waiting for one day of spring.

Have a happy Easter weekend,

Cousin Hailey and Handsome Phod

Duke said...

We can see how much you're enjoying spring, Ojo and Cobi! We hope it comes back SOON for you!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We hope Spring makes another appearance soon....and for longer! We think you need a few repeats of that ONE Spring day.

Unknown said...

You both look like you has such fun at the beach!! And yay for not stealing any balls that were not yours and coming when your person called you. And not crashing into any people or dogs!! Successful day for sure!!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I love hearing that you enjoyed your one day of spring!! (so far)

zoepheedogs said...

Yay for Spring! That sounds like so much fun! Spring is my favorite season! I hope it shows up soon!

Charliedownunder said...

CRIKEY Ojo ... I hope number two comes along real soon for you. You deserve it for being such a good and not stealing anyone's balls and coming back when called EVERY time, aye? You're sure a great fetcher. What a fun day you and Cobi had.

rottrover said...

What a perfect ONE day of Spring!! Did you run and fetch Ojo?? I am having Spring, too, but my mom is too distracted by its beauty to take pictures of MEEEE!! I get to go to the beach NEXT Sunday. I can't wait!!


Cowspotdog said...

that did look like a fun day at the shore line

C.L.W.STEP said...

Wow! What a fun day!