Sunday, January 24, 2016

Happy birthday to my littlest person! (by Ojo)

Hi hi hi! Ojo here!

Today is my littlest person's birthday! (Although I do not know why Cobi and I call her our littlest person, because really she is very big!)

My littlest person got presents! This is because it is her birthday.

I wish I knew when my birthday was so that I could get presents too! But it's not that bad, because my littlest person shared! She got the insides of the presents, and I got the outside! I love ripping up wrapping paper! This was fun!

Cobi hung out with Grandma. And yes, since this was a Special Occasion we were even allowed on the couch!

Cobi does not like tearing wrapping paper, although sometimes she does like to eat it. Instead she was busy waiting for Cake, because that happens on birthdays too!

Is it Cake time yet?

Happy birthday to my littlest person! I love you very much!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to your littlest person!! So sweet that she shared her presents and cake!!

Duke said...

What beautiful photos! Happy Birthday to your littlest person!

Julie said...

Happy Burfday Littlest Person! Haf a GREAT day and....don't furget to share the CAKE!!!!! Yum, yum, drool
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Happy Birthday littlest person!

Zoe said...

Happy birthday to Ojo's lil'est peepoles.
Hope you got a bunch o' cake, all o' you!

Cowspotdog said...

Happy Birthday Little Person - you had the bestest of friends to share it with :)

Linda said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet sister.
I hope you all enjoyed her special day together.
and CAKE too.
xo Cinnamon

Two French Bulldogs said...

Happy birthday to youuu
Lily & Edward

WFT Nobby said...

Happy birthday (not so) little person!
It's always great to hang out with Grandmas isn't it. Especially those with comfy sofas.
Toodle pip!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Happy Birthday from us! We're more your where's-the-cake dogs, too. Oh, and ice cream.

Kinley Westie said...

Happy birthday to her!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Happy Birthday to your littlest person! I am glad you got to share the day with her!!! And her prezzies too.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Dearest Ojo and Cobi

We mentioned your on our blog today and got the following comment:
"just visited dog doesn't fetch and wanted to follow, but notice they have nothing installed to do so. If they add the "follow by email" link would someone please let me know? Thanks! "

If you add this will you let me know!

Hope all is well.

C.L.W.STEP said...

Happy birthday Littlest One!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

HI THERE..... Hailey and Zaphod sent us Over... GOOD TO SEE YOU!!!

LBJ said...

What beautiful photos of dogs so very loved. We came on over from Haley and Zaphod. Mom was raised in Washington and made many a trip to your wonderful homeland when she was in college in Seattle.

We are so happy to meet you~

Abby T. Lab in Chicago

Murphy said...

Greetings furends! You sure have some nice photos! We sure think your little person looks like she is enjoying her birfday. Tell her Happy Birfday from me and Stanley! Hailey and Phod sent us over. We are going to meet them in the furs this summer!

Keep Calm & Bark On!

Murphy & Stanley