Wednesday, January 27, 2016


I found a half-dead-Ball!

I picked it up and tossed it at my person. (This is not fetching, this is tossing to get her attention.) And then she kicked it! I chased! Hurray!

Make it go again, please!

Oh no! Ojo, what are you doing? Half-dead-Ball was fine just the way it was! Leave it alone!

Hurray for half-dead-Ball! I just love finding treasures, don't you?


Duke said...

Finding a loved ball or toy is a wonderful thing!

Unknown said...

For sure it is fun to find treasures!!

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey Ojo ..... what the heck ..... Cobi likes it half dead not fully dead. I LOVE finding my own treasure. It's the best sort, aye??

zoepheedogs said...

Aren't half dead balls the best! So fun! :D

Linda said...

Wow a half dead ball is like a half dead stuffie.
I think you found the jackpot.
xo Cinnamon

rottrover said...

Cobi, sharing sucks, huh!!


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That was a great treasure find. We love skinning those balls.

C.L.W.STEP said...

That's not a half dead squeaky ball! It's a half alive squeaky ball! I love those kind things and always leave a couple tennis balls outside for the winter until they reach that perfectly soggy moldy stinky raggedy condition. Somehow the humans never seem to appreciate these as much as we doggies do. What a great find Cobi!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

The best treasures are the ones that have been very "loved", like your half-dead ball, Cobi!

Collie222 said...

I wonder what happened to your ball? Our mom ran over one of our balls with the lawn mower, and it looked like yours!

Kinley Westie said...

Findin new old toys is da best!

Julie said...

Oh yes, I ALWAYS try to find a sumthingy to bring home wiv me frum my walkies...the peeps are not always impressed wiv my choices....butt I nose they would luffs the half-dead-ball, its just pawsome!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Dear beautiful Cobi,

A part of a ball is as good as a whole ball. As long as you have some ball.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

We think that is a Half LIVE ball... and still has PLENTY of Play time Left in it... GO FUR IT COBI.

Cowspotdog said...

somewhere out there - the other half is just waiting to be discovered

WFT Nobby said...

The important thing is to recognise a half-dead ball for the treasure it truly is.
Toodle pip!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Half dead balls are pretty cool
Lily & Edward

Tweedles -- that's me said...

That old ball had a lot of life left in it didn't it? And made you happy!