Tuesday, October 20, 2015

We are not friends. (Okay, that's a lie.)

I do not know why Ojo thinks we are friends.

It's not like we spend time together.
It's not like we lie in the sun and sniff the breeze together.
It's not like we play together.
It's not like we explore and walk and run together.
It's not like we nap together and dream together.
It's not like we think deep thoughts together.

In fact, I would not be caught within fifty feet of Ojo.


We are lying in the sun together? We are sniffing the breeze together? We are thinking deep thoughts together?

Oh. You busted me. Okay. Yes. I admit it.

I like Ojo. In fact, I love Ojo. Very much.

Even when she tells silly jokes in ear!


Unknown said...

Life is better when shared with a friend, right :) It looks like a beautiful day to spend outside together!!

zoepheedogs said...

Life is better with friends! :D Sometimes you just have to put up with their crap! :D

Kinley Westie said...

Yeah, you're TOTALLY not friends. ;)

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

BOL! We can tell you aren't friends......

rottrover said...

Cobb, I don't like Otto either! He's just a big oaf. NOT!!!


Duke said...

You sure look like the bestest of friends to us! We want to hear the silly joke to, Ojo!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We are so glad Beautiful Cobi and Cousin Ojo are friends with each other and us.

Julie said...

Yous great furfriends and I luffs you boths as well!!!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Everybody has a sibling like that, Cobi. Ours is Preslee. MOL!

C.L.W.STEP said...

That was a very nice post! Chester and Joey are the same way!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Good reasons!