Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Fall at the Beach! (by Ojo)

Hi hi hi! Ojo here!

It is Fall at our favourite Beach!

It was cool and hot at the same time!

Cobi and I did zoomies together! (We don't usually do this because Cobi zooms too hard and too fierce and it's not fun for me, but today we both just felt so happy that zooming together was fun!)

Whee, fun!!!

I love Fall at our favourite Beach! Has Fall come to some of your favourite places yet?


Zoe said...

Yu 2 have the bestest, funnest times an' great axshun shots!

Julie said...

You look as though you are having the bestest time there....yay fur autumn!
The leafs are going a pretty colour on Dads bonsai maples so yes, autumn has arrived here as well
Loves and lucky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Milo and Jet said...

That looks like a pawesome trip to the beach :) So glad you could have fun doing zoomies together :) Milo & Jet

Two French Bulldogs said...

Our favorite time of year
Lily & Edward

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Fall is just starting to come to our part of the world Cousin Ojo and Beautiful Cobi. The mornings are cool, but the days are still warm. It is getting dark closer to dinner and sometimes still dark at morning walk time. The leaves are starting to change. The deer and the turkeys are back and well, the mice have moved in. Lady says the leaves are starting to change but we really didn't notice.

Cousin Hailey and Handsome Phod

zoepheedogs said...

That looks like so much fun! We are dying to go to the beach! The beach is one of our favorite spots, too! :D

Kinley Westie said...

Looks like y'all had fun.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

You two sure are having a grand time!

Duke said...

The two of you are having so much fun!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

C.L.W.STEP said...

Fun fun fun!